• Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments to Explore

    In today's society, a lot of emphasis is placed on one's overall appearance. While traditional dentistry focuses on oral hygiene and the health of the teeth and gums, cosmetic dentistry takes on a more appearance-based approach. Cosmetic dentists aim to improve the appearance of the mouth, teeth and smile. They employ restorative techniques and other oral methodologies to fix the appearance of the teeth and make them more aesthetically appealing.
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  • When You Want Whitening but Get Translucency Instead: Why Too Much Whitening Turns Teeth Translucent

    Some people like to whiten their own teeth at home. Whitening kits allow them the freedom to do that. However, if these kits are not used responsibly, you could be doing more harm than good. If you use too much gel or whiten your teeth too often, you will find that, though your teeth may turn white, the natural translucency of your teeth will also be exaggerated. If you wish to whiten your teeth at home using whitening trays, keep the following tips in mind regarding the translucency of your teeth.
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  • How to Handle a Dental Emergency

    Excellent oral health is all about being proactive. However, no one is ever prepared for an accident. A dental emergency can be frightening and agonising. Sometimes, such an accident may happen after working hours or on a Sunday. In such an instance, your best chances are with an after hours dentist. However, it is recommended that you know how to handle such an emergency when it happens. This way you can control the bleeding if there is any and even reduce the pain.
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  • Surprising Health Benefits of Investing In Cosmetic Dentistry

    Getting cosmetic dental work done is usually associated with improving one's appearance by enhancing their smile. Although some cosmetic procedures such as teeth whitening do function to make you look attractive, other treatments would be directly beneficial to your health. The following brief outline demonstrates a few of the surprising health benefits of investing in cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic dentistry can eliminate chronic headaches A surprising fact about having crooked teeth is that this condition can have a direct correlation with chronic headaches.
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  • What to Expect From a Dental Crown Procedure

    Dental crowns are prosthetics which cover one part of your tooth. All human teeth are made up of a crown and a root. If the crown becomes chipped, fractured or is rotting away, then your dentist may recommend that a new artificial crown is fitted to protect the root underneath it. Unlike a filling, a crown or cap covers the damaged area entirely. They are often recommended following root canal work or because a patient has a cracked tooth.
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  • When Is It a Good Idea to Reschedule Your Dental Appointment?

    Regular dentist appointments are a key part of maintaining good dental health, and it's recommended that you have a check-up at least twice every year. Because of this, it's important to stick to your appointments once they're made, as people often forget to schedule a new one if they don't attend the first time round. With that said, there are some times when visiting a dentist isn't a good idea, and you should call to cancel.
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  • Your Dentist May Recommend Tooth Removal Under These Circumstances

    As an adult dental patient, one thing you wouldn't want to hear your dentist say is that you'll need tooth extraction. Tooth extraction during adult age means loss of permanent teeth, which may subsequently mean adapting to life with dentures (the other option is to live with unsightly gaps in your mouth). This is a possibility that many adults don't usually want to come to terms with. With that said, here's a breakdown of some likely circumstances when a dentist will determine you are a candidate for tooth extraction.
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  • Gum Surgery Explained

    A periodontist is usually the type of oral healthcare professional that will undertake gum surgery when it is needed. Essentially, a periodontist is a doctor who has specialised in the treatment of gum disease. Most patients will be referred to a periodontist by their dentist following a routine check-up, especially if their gingivitis – or gum disease – is failing to respond to common treatments, such as the regular use of antibacterial mouthwashes.
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