3 Possible Reasons for Toothache

Posted on: 12 August 2021

Not knowing the root cause of a toothache piles anxiety on top of physical pain, as your mind races through the worst-case scenarios that could be causing the discomfort. If you have a toothache, your first step should be to call your dentist to arrange an examination. Once you have done that, why not read through these reasons for toothache to prevent your worries from spiralling out of control?

1. A Dental Cavity

Dental cavities, also known as dental caries, are perhaps the most common reason for toothache. Bacteria that naturally live in the mouth excrete acids that eat away at the enamel that protects your teeth, eventually creating a hole that can be quite painful.

The good news is that dentists can easily treat cavities by filling them with either amalgam or a tooth-coloured composite material. The filling acts as a strong barrier, preventing outside stimuli from irritating the sensitive inner part of the tooth. Fillings also stop bacteria from spreading inside the tooth, where they could cause further damage.

2. Dental Sensitivity

If all of your teeth are in a little bit of pain, don't panic! It doesn't necessarily mean that they all have cavities. In fact, you might simply be suffering from dental sensitivity, also known as sensitive teeth. This kind of pain is usually triggered by eating something very cold or very hot, rather than being present all the time.

There are many kinds of toothpaste that are specially designed for sensitive teeth. They include compounds that block nerves that make teeth sensitive to temperature. You could try using one of these kinds of toothpaste to see if it helps. If the sensitivity does not get better, then you should see a dentist so they can work out why your teeth are so sensitive.

3. A Cracked or Chipped Tooth

If your toothache started suddenly while you were eating, then it is possible that you have cracked or chipped a tooth. This relatively common dental injury usually occurs while biting into food and accidentally hitting something hard, such as a stone, pit, bone, or non-food item. It is not always possible to see the chip or crack, particularly if the injury occurs in the back of the mouth which is difficult to examine yourself.

Dentists can repair chipped and cracked teeth using dental resin or by applying a crown. The sooner you see your dentist, the higher the chance that they can save the tooth before decay starts to set in around the damaged area.
